Have you noticed that as we progress through the years, the pace of the world becomes faster and faster?
It is becoming even more challenging to stay focused in one place because countless distractions leading to a spot with no target. The world transformed it self into a noisy atmosphere for the sake of business and grabbing your attention for autonomy.
Cause us to lose concentration on our goals and targets because we fall into the shiny object syndrome mindset. We are easily distracted by new and exciting opportunities, ideas, or projects that may divert attention and resources away from our current priorities or goals.
In this post, I will explore practical tips on being more mindfully present for yourself and your people while running your business and brand.

Knowing Your Purpose, Goals, And Values By Building A Brand Blueprint
To start your business, you must build a blueprint, have something to follow and fall back on. The brand blueprint covers purpose, vision, mission, values, position, personality, and story. It solidifies and creates a foundation for you to stand on and continue to build on top of it. It acts as your compass to keep you flowing in the right direction and help you stay on the path that aligns with you and your goals. Keep you focused and not distracted by the surrounding noise of the world, it shuts it all out so you can see your next goalpost and you have clarity through it all. Please include your brand blueprint in your business to avoid getting caught in the noise and lose focus.

Active Listen To Only The People You Serve, Your Ideal Client
When building a business and brand, the number one rule, know who you are speaking to and focus on them. Define your ideal client and know them inside and out, learn and understand their needs, wants, and desires. There is your focus! Once you know specifically who you help, give them your full attention; by asking questions and interviewing them. Listen and hear them out so they feel heard without judgment or distraction. Take notes, apply them to your brand and match their communication and language. Show genuine interest and curiosity towards them, so they feel cared for and connected to you. Ask them questions, what is stressing you out about something related to the topic you are the best at? What is keeping them up at night? When you establish this connection, you will be laser-focused on how you can help them. You will keep on a path to help reach their inner desires.

Create Boundaries Around Your Devices And Social Media
Most of our distractions come from social media, and they easily throw us into a rabbit hole of mindless scrolling. We see something amazing and feel the need to try it because others are succeeding. We feel stuck and want to mimic what they are doing. These elements trigger our curiosity and move us away from our schedules. The best tactic is to schedule specific times during the day to check your messages or schedule a social media day one day in your week. You address all of it at one time, and it prevents you from revisiting it. I would journal about setting a purpose for your social media and devices. Giving you the opportunity to set an intention when you visit these tools because these are tools to help us market ourselves. The last thing you can do is use an app to block out your social media time and feed to stop you from scrolling endlessly. Allowing you to focusing on serving your clients and people through DMs and prepping your content through the scheduler in advance.

Practice Self-care By Making Time For Yourself
Running a business and brand is tiring and easily fall into burnout if not focused or keeping yourself balanced. Plan a small time block each day, to take care of your physical and mental health. You start your day with morning pages, where you journal and meditate to set intentions for the day, revisit your mission and vision to stay aligned. Doing the morning pages helps check in with yourself and feelings to see what type of energy you will use in your day or if you need a day off. It also gives you an idea of what you need to include in your days, such as a better diet or some regular exercising if having trouble keeping up with the hefty schedule.

Take Breaks
This one I am sure you have heard countless times, but it is essential to help reset the system. You can get caught up in tasks and forget to move around, have lunch, or switch to another task. It is suggested work for 20 mins and then break for 10-20 mins to shift your energy and refocus. Give yourself time to stop and think and address the next 20 min interval. This routine will help avoid burnout and keep you focused on the tasks you plan to get through the day. Plus, it gets you away from your screens and digital devices, and maybe go for a short walk or do some stretches to remove any tension in the body. This is better than sitting in front of Instagram, scrolling mindlessly and brings you control over your life.

Prioritize Your Tasks
Keeping to your tasks list is ideal to stay focused on the duties that need to get done. It’s encouraged to plan your week ahead of time to prevent feeling lost and wasting time in your days. Each day set three important tasks and do the hardest one in the morning and then the easiest tasks in the afternoon, now this isn’t set in stone. If you are not a morning person you can swap it around but completely up to you and your working schedule. The main idea is to plan to avoid distractions at all costs so you will feel more productive and less overwhelmed. I would also suggest batching similar tasks together so that you are not switching to tasks that are completely the opposite and keep to a central theme.

Build A Schedule
We all need structure in our work weeks to avoid getting caught up in the noisy world. It is best to build a schedule for yourself and block certain areas of focus, rest, and leisure time (aka scrolling time). Give your days a theme, so if you need to do content creation, dedicate your Mondays to content and nothing else. You can map out Tuesday and Wednesday as client work days. When you break it up this way, you will see how much you are getting done in all areas in your business and allocate time to rest and play. Adding structure to your work days is handy when sticking with your schedule because you will know exactly what needs to get done.

Seek Support
When you are in a pickle and can not focus on anything because there is too much noise around you. You can seek a business coach to help you organize the internal system of your business and align you with your purpose and goals. They hold you accountable to your desires and what you are working towards. The business coach will help you manage those distractions and shift your mindset so that you don’t ever fall into the rabbit hole of shiny.
When running your brand and business in a noisy world can be challenging but by being mindful and aware of your behaviour and actions it will be smooth sailing.
Always remember the following start with building your brand blueprint (your compass), actively listening to ONLY the people you are serving and focusing on their needs and how you can help, creating boundaries around your devices and social media, practicing self-care, and taking breaks to reset, prioritize your tasks and build a schedule, lastly seek a business coach.
These will cultivate a focused mind and an awareness of self to stay aligned and present in your business and daily tasks. With these in play, you can become highly productive, and motivated and carry stronger well-being with stronger relationships with your people creating greater happiness on both sides of the bridge.