People in the world lately are not following their true selves.
I know art therapists are the same, trying to fit into spaces where they do not belong. Trying to work in agencies that do not align with them 100%, the reason why is because it comes down to the brand values and the culture that the agency is creating.

I want to share how a strong sense of self and values helps to connect with another person.
A strong sense of self allows you to show up authentically with integrity and speak from the heart. Avoid masking yourself and carrying a different persona that does not match your true identity.
Healing seekers look for integrity and truth in an art therapist who is meaningful and purposeful with everything they do. They want to feel assured that they are 100% following through with their values to trust them.
The struggle here is that we all want to fit in and fall into this rabbit hole of trying to adapt to these values. Unfortunately that is not how we as humans function.
We come from different cultures, families, experiences, and ethnicities. They hold all different types of values. Your values can come from your family or friends who you connect with through some belief or value.
These values allow you to thrive in life and connect with things that are true to you.
How does this impact your professional life?
As an art therapist, you need your values to market yourself and avoid the tools, features, and services you bring.
Focus on the environment and culture that you bring to your people. What I mean by this is your values and beliefs are the ingredients to build the atmosphere for your people.
Art therapists always create that open safe space to share their stories, heal, and communicate their troubles. Some values that come to mind from this example are self-expression, empathy, and community.
When marketing, you want to focus on these values so that healing seekers can resonate with you; and connect with you that way. They are looking for that deep emotional connection because they someone to trust.
Building that trust, being a little bit more personal sometimes but being selective with what you share. Sharing your values can create that personal relation and connection!
You have to find common ground between you and the healing seeker. Continuously communicate your values within your website, marketing materials, social media, and emails to your people. You want to continue to nourish them that way.
The values you bring to the table also should be replicated in how you speak and share yourself with the world. Allow them to coincide with all your interactions with the client while delivering the offer to your client and the rest of your audience.
Knowing your values would help you deliver your offer because you use your values as the anchors. Empathy, community, and self-discovery is present through the client journey to ensure the client has the best experience. The client will remember you for it, and they will enjoy the experience much more if you always put your values first.
Some art therapists worry that a strong presence might negatively impact others.
When you have a strong presence, you should not worry about negatively impacting others because you will know who to speak to right from the start.
Positive or negative, the impact you bring will filter out the people that are your type. At the same time you are speaking to the people you desire to help when communicating on a large scale. It is so powerful!
In doing so, you speak from a place of truth, authenticity, and integrity. I would not worry about being too forceful because the way you set up your brand foundation will align with the people you desire to help.
No need to feel that things are being too forceful onto others because you are talking to the right people! If you were to impose something on a different audience, than I would consider that forceful. Its all about doing your research from the start, connecting with the right people who believe in the same thing as you to avoid that never happening. Values are important, and why you should get clear on them.
Strong presence vs. weak presence
Values bring a strong sense of presence and allow you to inspire and motivate others because of the strength you bring to the table, and on top of that you hold a strong sense of purpose.
If you feel stuck in your business with making a decision, look to your purpose and values to help solve that problem. Your values and purpose are a compass to guide you through your journey.
For example: If you are running your art therapy business and you have to make a big decision in your business, the first thing that I would always suggest doing is to look back at your purpose and values. Those are the things that are going to ensure that you make the right decision without misalignment.
The brand blueprint in place will be your compass to follow through with any decisions.
Over time with new experiences your values and beliefs can change over time. I encourage art therapists to look back at their brand blueprint and re-evaluate anything that is not aligning anymore.
Maybe you took a different direction, and now things need realigning.
These are actions should be done every quarter in your business. You must update yourself every quarter because you are changing, moving, and growing.
The values stay with you, but its depends on how you pivot. Shifting in a different direction may cause you to change to other values and beliefs that you hold. Some work better than others, and if it resonates better with you and your people; than stick with it. Something to keep in mind when building your brand and business.
How do I identify my values and beliefs?
It can be a challenging process, but I would say the first thing that you should try is:
Self-reflecting and journaling: Ask yourself the questions.
What motivates you?
What makes you happy?
What do you stand for?
What are you extremely passionate about?
What is important to me?
What would a perfect day look like? What values are represented in this choice?
What do I spend my free time on?
What do I enjoy doing?
What would I do if there were no limitations?
These are great journaling questions to get you thinking.
You can even look at your past events, such as highlighting moments or turn-points. Events that made you change and say, “I value this.”
You want to have a write-up for each of the values; it helps to explain your reason why you hold this value, and it keeps you grounded.
To reassure yourself that those are your values.
So you can also journal on this just loosely. Share your thoughts and feelings about what is bothering you and what the world needs so you can deliver the best!
Having trouble and need someone else to dig a little deeper with you?
Ask your connections
Ask your friends and family members for feedback about your strengths and what you stand for. You get a different perspective to help identify your values and beliefs that maybe you didn’t notice.
Your family and friends would know more about you because you might carry the same values as your friends and family. After all, that’s how you’ve connected with them. Especially your friends because they are outside your circle and you found common ground.
Find that clue because that might help you see what you truly value.
Do not have close connections?
Find role models
Try to identify role models in the world that you admire and look up to and what their values and beliefs are? How can you embody those?
Think of three to six people you most admire or love.
Consider why they are so important to you.
See which ones resonate with you.
This framework is a good starter because pulling from leaders, especially in the mental health space can help ground your thoughts.
If you’re trying to seek outside the mental health industry and bring something new, not a bad idea. Either way this can bring you clarity in guiding you in the right direction.
Online assessments
Another way to dig deeper is through online assessments that you can take to help define your values and beliefs based on a questionnaire. Try the Myers-Briggs test or the Enneagram.
Online values inventory
Use an online values inventory. This one is pretty obvious, but you can always Google a list of values and review the list. See which values stand out to you. Circle 5 of them and provide a reason why you stand for them.
Observe yourself and learn. Look at the items around you.
Take time to look at your surroundings in your environment and space, the items that belong to you. What items in your room symbolize a value or belief? Anything we buy or place in our homes or room hold meaning to us. Study your space and journal words that come to mind when you look at your space or belongings.
How can one’s actions and behaviours with their values lead to greater authenticity and credibility?
When your values are clear, you will always lead with your values and priotize them in any decision you make in your business or brand. It will feel so natural!
For any partnerships you participate in, always look to your values before you advance to that next stage. Before you even say yes to them because this allows you to stay focused and aligned.
People will see how much you stay true to yourself and not let trends override you. You are following through with what matters to you. Not just that, but what matters to your people as well.
This is empowering and inspiring to others. Continue to follow this authentic path because you will be building credibility automatically along the way.
You are sticking to what you are best at and what you stand for (a.k.a Your values). You take action in places that align with you and your values.
People will know you for that, and that’s golden because this will allow you to stand out. You want to continue to thrive in your best zone and steer clear from going in the wrong direction because that might lead to people scratching their heads.
I know many art therapists start their business with no brand blueprint in place and you disregard your core values. That is part of it.
Having a strong presence is severely important, especially when you are trying to show up online and stand out to reach your people.
When your values are in place, you come off much stronger than the others.
Without having those values define, you can be weak because you don’t have backup support and thrive from a different place.
You know your stories, why you’re here, you know why you value these things because this is what I’m trying to bring to the world.
This is what the world needs, so that is very powerful.
If you don’t have your value set in place, how are people going to trust you?
I emphasize that you take time to do the inner work on yourself and behind your business; so you come in with a strong presence and be a magnetic field.